Neither of them is a hero, but I too am confused how Mayweather, the proven woman beater, who actually beats up women, reasonably often, is a better human than Connor, who said some cringe worthy things.
Neither of them is a hero, but I too am confused how Mayweather, the proven woman beater, who actually beats up women, reasonably often, is a better human than Connor, who said some cringe worthy things.
Very true. Mayweather is a POS. I don’t know much about McGregor’s actions but he has always been playing an over the top character. His racist trolling, however abhorrent, cannot compare to Mayweather’s actual documented history of beating women. Also, Mayweather himself has said racist things about Asians so…
You don’t need to hope that Mayweather will win. McGregor doesn’t belong in the same boxing ring, and Mayweather will wreck his shit. This is known.
I don’t think she deserves a pat on the back, but I also don’t understand why she’s being slammed. Is she late to the figuring out that racism and sexism are a thing? Yes, but she’s getting there, so why write this moral high groundy piece? about it?
I love the hell out of this. People get too wound up thinking their day to day is boring, and that there is nothing significant about all of the little things that add up in our lives.
The console is still locked though. It’s not like they are dealing with a 100 different CPU’s and GPU’s. They are still only dealing with 1 GPU and 1 CPU, not 100. Only now they are slightly more powerful allowing for faster loading times or better frame rates for VR/regular dev is going to hate this. They…
And those who can’t even do that, comment?
This is a really dumb comment.
These are the kinds of risks a small, new company has to make. Sometimes they play out, sometimes they don’t. I’m in manufacturing, and we recently turned down Wal-Mart for similar reasons. In order to meet their needs, almost all of our production would have been dedicated to them. In two years, maybe they decide…
Yeah, while Microsoft is mostly to blame, Darkside shouldn't have put ALL their eggs in the MS basket.