
that has literally nothing to do with why people shouldn’t be allowed to have abortions... the logic of Christianity will never suffice! too many people have died for that religion, but they dont teach you that at church, do they?

bruh you are my hero rn

YESSSS! Thank you! Christians impose too many of their pointless “rules” just because they think they are correct... So annoying lol there is just as much proof that avocados can fly as there is that Jesus was half god.

lol but they raised you to be very single minded

lol if having an abortion is an “abhorrent action” then so is masterbating (because you are killing your sperm)... and most pro-life people would have an abortion if they found themselves pregnant with a child at the wrong time in their lives... hypocrites

you have obviously never been that into pokemon

stop saying “daddy” like everyone else on the form

Finally those rednecks are admitting that they have been murdering players for years!