

Are you from OK too?

Yahaha! You found me!

Box wine also make a fun costume for Halloween or just a family get together.

Pretty awesome, but he called link the hero of time. Isn’t that just the Ocarina Link’s title?



Or if you could call from anywhere. The horses in BOTW are pretty hard of hearing.

Looks like he could be BFFs with Caine, the kid who made a whole arcade out of cardboard! http://cainesarcade.com/

Animal Crossing, Zelda, Metroid... the list continues.

Was thinking the same, but I don’t see any way she would be willing.

Can’t tell you how many times I was grounded from “Nintendo.”

If anyone didn’t know, he is in Better Call Saul, and was in The Office as well.

Most accurate description we could find.

This game will be $60 forever. Best deal we will get is right now.

This game will be $60 forever. Best deal we will get is right now.

My horses are Shithead and Fuckface.

Bombing trees works better than axes in my opinion.