Depends on where you are. Throughout most of the country, bouncers/security are just tall-ish fat guys who turn away the drunken wastrels. The idea being to overwhelm any dickheads with overwhelming mass, I think.
Depends on where you are. Throughout most of the country, bouncers/security are just tall-ish fat guys who turn away the drunken wastrels. The idea being to overwhelm any dickheads with overwhelming mass, I think.
Pilot G2s are acceptable if you want everyone to think you’re a FOOL.
Pilot G2s are acceptable if you want everyone to think you’re a FOOL.
If we’re talking who actually deserves what: all the biker deserved was, at most, being pulled over and issued a warning by a police officer. Whereas the white car deserves an attempted murder charge, because he’s a psycho and can’t be allowed to get away with shit like this.
If I hear another fucking thing about draft kings I am going to flip this table (the table the world is on, World Table).
As with many things - it is not the bun, but the men who wear them.
Imagine a four dimensional positronic brain saying something 50 minutes ago and from now about its employees whose true sexuality cannot be discerned until observed, at which point they lose their sexuality, rendering the process meaningless.