Logan Lebrun

those dogs now have diabetes

Jon snow has 7 stabbed wounds and I think Mel recited that prayer 7 times too. Probably not that significant though

"oh look a guy with an eyepatch, he must be a pirate. What is missing is a parrot"
— Tekla Smith, GOT viewer since 2014

or the Maester alerting her of Roose being gone

remember on season 1 when Littlefinger and Ned were walking in the garden and Littlefinger was pointing to which of which were spies for Varys, Cersei and of his. I assume that focus on that tavern girl(?) indicates she one of Cersei's and the info eventually reached Cersei and most likely that guy probably been

all these guys named above probably have their own ruby necklace

Alaska will be the twirling "thing" on top of the hat

the barking dogs are loud, that probably what alerted Brienne

I view it as Trystane stuck on the ship, because nobody knows how Cersei will react seeing her daughter dead. The sand snake most likely followed them on a different ship in the off season. They already know their destination, so Sand Snakes don't need to keep the first boat in sight

Syrio yelled left but he swung right. Hence the lesson that his lips may lie but his eyes don't. But not really helpful if you are blind

It was poorly executed but you can view it as Trystane being stuck on the ship and could not dock mainly because of Myrcella's situation. The Sand Snakes know their destination, they could have just hopped on another boat or ship and followed them. From the previous scene it is apparent that the guards already

It is my understanding you need the presence and action of the Night's King (or maybe a White Walker) to convert a dead person as a wight, That wight that was in LC Mormont room was retrieved on the other side of the wall, so he was already a wight albeit his reanimation was delayed. That is why Sam remarked he

some people have the inborn vocal talent but are mediocre songwriters. I even know some of them but that should not be a deterrent for them to pursue and explore their talents even if that means they have to collaborate with actually better lyricist or songwriters. There are also people who are very talented

and a teletubby

if you go to the ommegang website, there is a link for beer finder and just input your zip code and it will give you a list

Cheer the Walking Dead will appeal to everyone who root for the zombies over the human cast

zombie sharks are the domain of ZNation. No copying!!! … oh wait!

and Jon Snow is still dead

you should have hooked up with Ygritte, she would still be alive right now *sniffles*

The irony of that song, you can count with Jaime's remaining hand the weiner that appeared in the 50 episodes of the show.