Logan Lebrun

Bouncy Boobies would have been more apt song title and theme

the bastard child French

Twink, Twunk, Twank

Lesbians are the new blacks of TWD. You can only have one at a time

Too old! — Ser Meryn Trant

We did had a movie called Zombeavers

Fear the Walking Dreads : US Border Control

When did body of water figured in last night's episode?

oh fiddlesticks…

don't forget her oysters are guaranteed fresh

Don't forget the trial by combat between The Hound and that leader of the BWB. And they worship a different deity

At first that was my thinking. But it does not make sense in the light of Lancel's path to "redemption" so to speak. I am thinking more that the gift Baelish was referring to was the gift of knowledge that tables is about to turn on Cersei due to a handsome young man

… and don't make me rue the day I raped your mother

Vivian von Hymen