@dasred: Dr. Park is the Asian doctor who talked about hydroponics in this episode right?
@dasred: Dr. Park is the Asian doctor who talked about hydroponics in this episode right?
@Architect: Right?!
Here's hoping they don't write Lisa out after her knowledge dump on Dean.
@ProfessorSara: I love the books and the show just seemed to piss me off.
I'm glad they can say 'douchebag' on air.
@Demonbird: Joystiq said it was 8 at best.
@mekki: I love spinach and cilantro, but dislike bitter beers like IPAs and such.
Those are non-holonomic wheels.
I like how you think Tucker Max is a 'writer'.
"I'll select one of these planes."
@mrClint: Same. It seems to end abruptly.
The Singularity is kind of the like the event horizon on a black hole.
@regis: I think its actually a book title.
@BlueLightRosie: Ah excellent.
@LittleDragon: To me it would be more of presence than anything.
@icarus.lnx: Queen and General are not the same. I wouldn't respect the Queen of England giving me advice on how to kill things.
I like Portman, but I wouldn't believe her as a General of any sort.
@ThisDudeRufus: How's talking to yourself going?
@Khaim: I kept thinking either that box was huge or she was really small.