@sephycloneno15: And How I Met Your Mother is back on as well.
Oh fuck oh fuck oh fuck! Supernatural is back this week?!?! Excellent!
So we'll have Jake-YY!
@kagekiri: You know, that might be how I originally heard it.
Clark Kent is sitting at a bar drinking, when some Joe sits down next to him.
@Too.Tired.To.Sleep: That's the one I would have picked.
@Ghost in the Machine: I'd do it in a heartbeat.
@Dr Emilio Lizardo: My dad read lots of David Drake.
@Willravel: Considering most of digg moved to reddit. It's a good idea.
@Invisible Circus: I AM THE CHURCH!
Looks like I am Legend meets Judge Dredd. Cool enough though, I don't have high enough standards that I won't check this out.
@kaladar: Bam!
I have always said that my only desire in life is to see Sarah emerge naked from a muddy lake in Laos with a knife between her teeth. And then kick ridiculous amounts of ass. And as of now, it seems like that scene may actually become a reality!
@Xakura: Maybe he's just fat. If you played in Assault/Heavy armor you didn't go as far.
@Chris R: Mercury's shoes?
@OMG! CarbonatedFalcon: It would seem they just magic across the country.
I was angry they were going to drive from Green Bay to South Dakota in 2 hours. It seems they've failed geography.
@one_cool_unicorn: I can't believe it took this long for someone to pull it out.
Sounds ridiculous. ...In!