
The hardest part about building a computer yourself is troubleshooting errors if it doesn't start up properly on the first boot. Or if the Windows installation errors out.

Why did I have to enter my age if you just embedded a YouTube video?

@coalheartly: I enjoy paging through the codexes and rulebooks for the artwork.

You asked for it...

Does anyone else think that all those weapon animations are impossibly fast for the gun?

@dethklokso: Which is why I kind of like what id is doing with Rage.

I want to show up on set one day just to join in the fun of messing with people.

What the hell is up with the sound?

@FrankN.Stein: It's kind of like if Rosie the riveter and Thor had a love child.

@01SNKOWNR: The newest Deadpool #1000 was a fucking mess. Plus most of the art was either awful, or it's intent was lost on me.

Shit. I need to get caught up with Fables it seems.

Outlander was pretty stellar.

@Bismod: I really want a Cable movie...

@dcarrington01: Megaton, fictional city from the Fallout universe.

@Dr Emilio Lizardo: Felicia Day tweeted a picture of her and Stan from the Eureka set as well.

They attribute the wrong shuttle in the NOVA/PBS link. It confused me as well because I saw both Atlantis and Discovery mentioned.

@collex: Lucky, she'll never have to ask you "What are you thinking about?"

It's pedigree sounds pretty badass. When do these hit shelves?