
@Eridani: Earth has been attacked multiple times but I think the military/government covered it up somehow. So generally the public is still in the dark with respect to the Stargate program.

Since there isn't a parking lot at Camp Randall there isn't lots of tailgating in the traditional sense.

Jason, I've considered switching to a safety razor but I have the following question. How many shaves do you get per razor?

@BambalinaUrania: I got Visio 2007 through this. I'm also waiting for Win 7 to be released.

I just use the standard CTRL+SHIFT+L/R...

@TancredoCassowary: Dual head is pretty easy to set up with Fedora and nVidia cards. I think that depends more on your video card driver than anything else. And ATI has horrible linux drivers. (Right?)

@NeVeRMoRe666: Also I intend to boycott the Xbox 360, PS3, every 46"+ HDTV and $1000 surround sound setup.

Try the Big Mac Chicken at McD's.

@WattMan: I take it Qdoba's are the more rare chain restaurant then? All you have to do there is order your burrito 'naked' and you get the same thing.

@brodiemac: Another misconception is that the 'steel' is the sharpener. It is not, the steel just removes small imperfections that accumulate with every knife use.

Anyone think there might be a way for a PC version to connect to the PC hosted Xbox game?

@Eavangel: Pretty fair estimate yeah.

@Eavangel: Fans use about 6W. Unless you have stupidly powerful Delta screamers or something like that.

Wow those results bars are messed up. "Results Not to Scale!"

@Neener: There are two different ways to state 'pounds' from a physics perspective. Pounds force, and pounds mass. Mass is a function of density which is always the same (think across Earth to Jupiter...etc), the pounds weight is a function of gravity, the mass of the object times the gravity. So the pounds force…