
I didn't know it was professionally recorded on 24-track. That explains why my bootleg of this show sounds so good. This new one should sound even better. Can't hardly wait!

Yes, I believe that's the one. I have a bootleg of it and it's an excellent soundboard recording of a terrific show. This new release should sound even better.

It has to be the first cartoon to reference "Citizen Kane" [ROSEBUD].

This is so true.

I'd go further and say the new stereo remix of "Pepper" is a revelation. Going back to the original 4-track tapes before all the bounce-downs really lets everything be heard as it should have been, especially Ringo's drums and Paul's bass. This stereo mix has some real guts and bite to it, even improving on the

There are a lot of full-length "as it happened" videos of the network coverage of the Apollo flights on YouTube. I particularly enjoy the CBS broadcasts because Walter Cronkite was totally into the space program. He gets positively giddy at times during the key moments.

Besides the cast tribute episode, I think there was a later episode where the characters obliquely acknowledged Yemana's passing. Something about his desk.

GBV had some good ones. "I Am A Tree" comes to mind.

I was waiting to see if anyone would mention McCartney's "Taxman" solo. Great, snarling, psychedelic tone that almost sounds like a backwards recording.

Another Townshend favorite of mine is the short solo that kicks in during the fadeout of "Slit Skirts." Legend has it that it went on much longer, but the producer stopped taping and the rest was lost.

Thank you for preserving it for internet infamy. Long may it wave… 3.5 times a week.

Ha! That was amazing. I've been laughing for 15 minutes.

So true. As a kid at the time, Saturday night was All In The Family, Mary Tyler Moore, Bob Newhart and Carol Burnett (and even MASH for a season). When Conway was announced as a guest in the intro, you knew it was going to be a good show.

You must be young.

Johnny U… Now that is a haircut you could set your watch to.

Even more amazingly, two of John Tyler's grandsons are still alive, according to Snopes:

Wearing a face that she keeps in a jar by the door…

My favorites were Dracula, Microsurgeon & Truckin'. The latter two especially had some fairly complex strategies and tactics. Imagic (and Activision, of course) really expanded what was possible on the 2600. Right before the bubble burst.

St. Reagan's destruction of the FCC's Fairness Doctrine in 1987 is a very overlooked moment in US history. It opened the door for Fox News and Rush Limbaugh & all his fellow wingnut radio propagandists.

That Kaplan/Conrad race is one of my favorite childhood memories. I was so happy the seemingly schlubby Mr. Kotter blew away that cocky little jerk.