
That’s a big reason why we barely get any Texas beer on the East Coast. Shiner is basically it. A friend brought back a Blue Owl sour stout and it was great.

Better than getting dusted by the Head Cheeto.

I don’t have experience with anything newer than the E46, so I can’t comment. I should also change my name to WhiteRHDManualWagon.

Seriously. If you’re not a decent shade-tree mechanic (and amateur plumber with that cooling system) DO NOT buy an E46.

Yep. Even though I live in the city, I’m “pro-’dozer”.

This is a valid reason.

In defense of the 6SGC, it does look the business. Compared to the 5-er.

2 Gran 2 Coupe.

I think it’s a bit silly. Then again, my “race car” is a wagon.

8 out of 10 6-Series that I see are Gran Coupes. People want 4-doors, even if they never use them. I’d need a head amputation to fit in that back seat.

I don’t think it actually is an M2. HGK just refer to it as an F22 2-Series build. I could be wrong so feel free to correct me.

Doesn’t help when my dog pukes on me while I’m driving. I had a wicked hangover too.

That’s a 1st-gen Sienna. Can confirm my parents’ also looked like that often.

They actually have cycling on Higashi course I believe. The touqe course is so steep you’d have a hard time getting up the first hill.

All in good fun. Nice reference!

Aren’t you a little dense for a storm trooper?

Much better than Faith Hilling.

An LS’d SLK is my ideal car. The 1st gen has aged beautifully.

Hoboken resident here. I drive the Skyway south to work and the 1&9 detour going home. It’s a nightmare.