
In the interest of fairness it does matter. If I paid $100 for upgraded seats, then it doesn’t make sense that just anybody can sit there if they happen to stay empty. Then less people would pay for the upgraded seats and just hope that they’re empty for the flight. I think this has to be enforced.


Just like Warriors fans, I’m sure you’ll only pay attention to them when they’re good.

Blade-Wing is the canon explanation for it’s name.

I really hope not. That was my biggest dislike of TFA. Rogue One though... my god that was great.

Here’s my theory: this planet is made of some substance which can be used as fuel. These things were designed to fly along the surface of the planet, scooping up dust from the ground, burning it, and expelling the exhaust, which happens to be bright red. The ships must have a small on-board fuel reserve, allowing them

The Mon Calamari Cruisers, the capital ships that assaulted the Death Star II at the end of Jedi, are the ships you’re describing.

My guess is that those speeders aren’t kicking up dust, but instead are kicking up mist. I’m going to venture a guess that they are flying over a frozen surface, and are cutting through it/breaking up that frozen surface in an attempt to deny the walkers a stable surface to walk on.
Either that, or they’re scooping up

You know, I’ve been hearing terms like “white liberal” racism and “limousine liberal,” for the past 30 years, and it’s getting just a bit tiring.

this is going to be Empire V2.

I’m old enough to remember when Deadspin used to make fun of writers for make judgments off of the sample size of 15 ABs or 1 start. But screw it, Matt Harvey for Cy Young and Puig for MVP.

On the side of the road with head gasket issues.

Yes, also, when the update to the story basically contradicts the whole point of the story, the story should be pulled.

Lots of tweets, but pictures would say much more. If their leggings were shear enough to effectively be pantyhose/underwear as opposed to proper clothing, I would side with United. It’s unreasonable to assume that just because one of the passengers was young that her parents had her dressed properly. We really

Fuck those commercials and everyone and every car in them.

As per the video, it looks like the crash happened well after the brake-check. Totally unrelated.

Edit: Didn’t realize the malibu was still in front. Thought it was the Grand Am because of the resolution.

Obviously, brake checking someone at that speed is ridiculously unsafe and a major asshole move in any case. But still, I don’t see how it’s the brake-checkers direct fault here. Surely he caused her to be more

You know what? I’m going to get my motorcycle license tomorrow, because apparently that allows you to drive like a complete asshole and still have people gush over how “safe” every stuipid manuever you make is.

I am extremely safe. If I’m making a lane-change and you dart out of nowhere to fill a non-existant gap, that’s on you, friend. :)

Everybody involved was wrong; driving on the shoulder, not using a turn signal, speeding...except that the only thing that caused this accident was the biker. If you rear-end someone, it is always you who is at fault. The biker should have slowed down; nobody put a gun to his head and forced him to move forward.