
I'll have to try it, but I admit, I'm a fan of Sam Oktoberfest. Not the best marzen, but definitely not the worst, either, and highly flavorful.

Do you order this every time you head to TGI Fridays or just some times?

Winston: Fuck her right in the pussy!

I don't really care about football, but I also don't really care about women. Is there some way I can use these two facts to make myself feel morally superior to everyone else without really accomplishing anything?

If Sam doesn't catch on with the Cowboys, I suppose he is always able to join the Indians, Construction Workers, Sailors or Police Officers.

I.e., not a fucking chess player.

"Plunk her in the spine." -Kirk Gibson

That little girl would have gotten plunked if a Cardinal was on the mound. No respect, SMH

Good thing for Mark Sanchez, he's likely to ride the bench anywhere he plays, so he's got that going for him.

If you're a guy who gets hurt easily, you need to find another activity where there's not contact involved."

Or you could just stand outside for an hour and save yourself $586.


The same thing the NFL uses..Gatorade


What do we pour on people for concussion awareness?

I think this is a more a product of someone not being able to think of another "kitchen appliance" created over the past five years that has had any discernible difference in the way most cooks work. I mean, I'm sure there's some molecular gastronomy defruakdoekshjeowbjinator?

I know Gawker Media standard operating procedure is to be critical of anything related to Fox regardless of whether it's justified, but I think ad portrays the wife as the sympathetic one while casting the husband in a pretty negative light.

If you can't stand Hannity, how do you know he does this before every break?