see? they didn’t even need stunt dogs for this commercial. rounded those sonsabitches up in Portrero Hill and shot the commercial in one day.
see? they didn’t even need stunt dogs for this commercial. rounded those sonsabitches up in Portrero Hill and shot the commercial in one day.
wait a sec - you’re making macchiatos at home?
wha? what’s there to be disappointed about? portland is pretty much exactly what everybody thinks it is — well, everybody who spends time in liberal western cities anyway, which are all pretty much the same. what were you expecting? i don’t live there, just wondering.
this is good
Jeez, people seem to think that Portland has a monopoly on Subarus. There are entire neighborhoods in SF populated entirely by Subarus, dogs, and dogs driving Subarus.
you can’t really have a half-caff macchiato, you know. i mean, i guess you could draw one shot of decaf espresso and one shot of espresso, but double macchiatos are rare.
But this isn’t Modest Mouse. This is the garbage they became after Lonesome Crowded West.
Also from a much better album
Well, Brock did have a long drive with nothing to think about.
you don’t stop wanting to, you just stop doing it because a good relationship is a zillion times better than sex with strangers.
because millennials are annoying as fuck, that’s why. you are doing it wrong.
I don’t think that’s the main complaint against AA. I think the complaint against AA is that it may result in less qualified people getting slots in college than you otherwise might, because you’re valuing ethnicity over merit in the admissions process.
I don’t know. I feel like political commentators talking like high school kids and dropping pop star references isn’t really the kind of political discourse we should be shooting for, but what do I know ? I’m over the age of 25.
I remember reading Nader’s book after the 2000 election when he specifically made the case that voting Green in pres elections was rather pointless anyway and that local elections were the greens’ in-roads to national power. What the hell happened to that plan?
Not this year. Not if Bernie Bros can help it.
I’m actually shocked that this isn’t the only truck in the comment section.
the DNC emails are like a 1 on the scale of alarming political events. trump’s deliberate racist xenophobic anti-environment fear-mongering is a 100.
or it could also mean that the dnc hack was misinformation from russian spies.
Jesus christ man. What are your plans for the Trumpist dictatorship then? Will you still be harping on the DNC?