
I get highly annoyed when white savior is wrongly thrown out as a critique of a story.

Not like we needed photographic proof that John Scott is the bigger man.

look at Bettman’s shit-eating grin. John Scott and the players bailed him out of a huge PR gaffe, and now the story has its ‘feel good’ ending. Hope John Scott gets back in the league to earn his 400 games and the league pension.

The Commissioner can’t be thrilled with these:

John Scott should have held the cheque a little higher.

This picture is everything. Well done, John. Your kids ARE proud of you.

Not a fan of John Scott the enforcer, but I absolutely love John Scott the human being. This was an incredible moment. He even earned the MVP! For the record, the NHL didn’t put him on the MVP ballot either. Fans wrote him in and he won anyway. Suck it, Bettman.

Bettman should thank whatever God he believes in that Scott didn’t club him over the head with the trophy and then run over his body with the car.

Suddenly it strikes me how sad it is that no one named Stills has ever played in the NHL.

Nor Stills. Nor Nash. Nor Young.

He knew he wasn’t Crosby

The NHL said that fans could vote on whoever they wanted, and then responded “LOL, NO, FUCK THAT GUY.” when they got a result they didn’t like.

Don’t change the rules mid-stream without a good cause.

Outstanding. But let’s not give credit to the NHL for doing the right thing when it’s entirely their fault that the wrong thing happened.

They may be interested in wasting taxpayer money. That’s a trendy thing these days in NH.

The business interests things makes more sense. I was baffled as to why they’d go to the trouble and expense of arguing something up to the state Supreme Court instead of just getting remarried.

I don’t know how you can forget this. Tampons are constant annoyances.

No shit. Working in corrections we, euphemistically, called it the “purse.” The vagina list could be so much longer.

My wife’s an ER doc, and I feel pretty confident she’d trade for any of these to avoid the numbingly commonplace “VAGINA: