Duckman was the shit
Duckman was the shit
I hope that everybody involved with the posting of this article and accompanying video feels deeply, deeply ashamed.
It’ll be called All Families Matter and feature an all white cast.
Is it inevitable that this stupid show gets remade soon?
Considering the abortion that is Fuller House actually did good numbers, I’m just guessing we’re gonna see Jaleel White get back in the Urkel get up and spit catch phrases to his millennial family members.
The demolition crew is gonna make soooo many “Did I do that?” jokes
Why the hell is this the first comment that shows? It’s a shit comment with hardly any likes and isn’t the oldest comment or newest. Kinja is the absolute worst.
That was a dumb thing you said, son.
Do you really think that men face as much harassment as women online? Honestly?
Agreed. I don’t understand this review at all. The album “coheres too much”?
When this temptation arose, he should have shook it fast. After he’s served his time, he’ll know to watch himself.
On the strength of the (stellar) four songs I’ve heard so far, I violently object to this letter grade. You say ‘heavier and slower’ like that’s intrinsically a bad thing!
I definitely give more of a shit about this adaptation meaning not getting to see this interesting director do something original than I do about the integrity of the Akira property.
When the rain washes you clean, you’ll know.
What? Where will people buy Spider-Man merchandise for a reasonable fee now?!
Pepperidge Farm remembers.
We live in a wonderful age where anyone can pick up an extra penis or vagina on so that statement is for once mostly true and technically not problematic at all.
It seems like he did read it, and applied his usual Bizarro Trump logic where he has to do the opposite of everything Obama did or said:
‘member when AV Club had it’s own comments and Pink Skull was an example of how lame a poster could be while not being stuck in the grays at Deadspin?
Remember how in the old days (i.e., pre-Kinja, so, like, 10 days ago) an article about Trump would be posted and three hours later it would already have 400 comments? Tonight, when I “publish” this comment, that will bring the total up to ten.
Life is like a box of fair trade vegan free carob, you know exactly what you’re going to get.