Locomotive Jones

damn..lesson is..never apologize to anyone because you will get shit on

White guy opinion here:

So does that make the apology any less sincere?

Why would he owe the future for the past, reward those yet to come for what those about to pass endured? In short why generalize from an offense against an individual to a penance to benefit an entire race? Even shorter if you got to pay why not pay the guy you owe?

Since most Muslim extremists live outside the US and in the Middle East where they are the majority that statement is accurate.

Proof read your articles for grammar and misspelled words...kinda petty that you are a journalist with few skills in that area

I think your point was it’s not enough. But I suspect even if this man had sold everything he owned and donated it to the NAACP or the UNCF you’d still say something similar.

You seem to think attempting to absolve guilt is a bad thing. It’s not. It means you had guilt in the first place. You think racists feel guilt for saying racist things? They don’t. They keep on saying racist things.

So...guy writes letter apologizing for the non-role he had in leaving his black teammate behind when travelling to a game in Georgia (fucking GEORGIA) when they were 16 years old and your reaction is “Pathetic white man just wants to clear his conscience before he dies”

It kinda seems like they were both victims of a fucked-up system in different ways.

So like I said...‘don’t even try.’

So the moral of the story is ‘don’t try’?

Where are you getting that they weren’t invited to the reunion??? And even if it was true don’t you think that would have been mentioned, especially given the negative tone of this article?

Just because Mr. Carter didn’t go to his reunion, that doesn’t mean he wasn’t invited. In fact, maybe he was invited and chose not to go, specifically because he had some bad memories of racism back in high school.


Really? Damn, and here I was thinking writers at the Root are against racism. Do you feel better after all you spewed your vitriol over a story of a guy trying to apologize for racist shit? Do you feel like you’ve done your part to encourage racists who read your story that their way is the right way? I sure do.

And you know they weren’t invited to the reunion because the article said so, right? Sure?

Oh, but its so much more ego stroking to see one person apologize to you then throw it back in their face.

You sure have a fun way of taking a nice, personal story and turning it negative. Sure, there are some very large issues (racism in America) involved in the story. But to me, this was a great story about two men feeling empathy for each other, and an incredibly gracious response by Carter. Of course Carter didn’t have

Owens must feel so relieved as his white guilt melted off his shoulders.