Locomotive Jones

Quit lying, we were given yachts on white privilege day.

In a country this size you will always find something to justify your point of view. I could do the same with any group in this country. I see no difference between you and the alt right. Enjoy Trump because you deserve him.

I’m to busy working to give a fuck about privilege. Then after work I go to my yacht. Little known fact about white privilege is that we all get a yacht at 19.

heh. I don’t know, or care about his last name. But he does seem to be playing “loony liberal elite” bingo with his Twitter account.

Surely...I mean...SURELY he knew this was going to happen, right?

The worst part about people like this is that they don’t realize how fucking stupid they are.

Look, okay. The concept of white genocide given historical context is laughable, sure, but that isn’t why the tweet was so misguided.

What he said was racist. That make him a racist. If you support his racist stance, you are a racist too.

File this under “Brah your not helpin”

Now that perfesser is one smart cookie. The best place to pose and discuss complex ideas that will confuse or enrage many people is using a medium which restricts a statement to a length of 140 characters and provides little or no context.

Professor trolls with massively inflammatory statement.

“To clarify: when the whites were massacred during the Haitian revolution, that was a good thing indeed.”

It’s kind of funny. In arguing that white genocide can’t happen, you, and many of the commentators, have essentially argued the validity white racial superiority around the world. In attacking white people, you went all Breitbart on us.

It’s things like this that reminds me that the far left and the far right are eerily similar. I remember my government professor once argued that the political spectrum could be drawn as a circle or a horseshoe, with the extreme positions meeting (or almost meeting).

Based on the tweets and his response, can confirm that he’s a clueless academic dork. “White genocide” isn’t a thing, yes, but wishing for the mass killing of white people on Christmas is a bad look regardless of whatever satirical point he was going for.

So, let’s recap.
Professor: Posts on Twitter an intentionally inflammatory post that could be construed by the average person who (very likely) didn’t have prior knowledge of alternate meanings as a call/wish for an entire subgroup of people to be wiped off the face of the earth.

Commenters: It’s about white people so

The irony of this type of behavior is that it’s going to get Trump re-elected. That’s going to be super fun for everyone I guess. 

I am concerned that we are defending this.

Wasn’t the Armenian Genocide a “white genocide?”

Fuck this dumbass.