Excuse me, I’m a bit offended that
Excuse me, I’m a bit offended that
My kids are learning Spanish and I still have a hard time not cringing when they’re practicing the words for colors and they say black in Spanish.
Lol...unless they are 80 and above - I don’t give a pass on colored or negro. My own parents are in the 70 range & might come for you with a bat if you call them that.
That’s my bff’s opinion. Older person side eye, young person it’s on and she will go HAM on them.
If a young person called me “colored”, I would punch them in the face.
I get where she’s coming from. I’m generally not offended if old people call me “colored” or a “negro” because really, they aren’t going to change and most of them don’t mean anything by it so whatever.
If I see a raggedy vintage pickaninny doll for sale at a country flea-market, I’m not really offended. If I see a brand-new with tags hand stitched one, I’m pissed off.
I don’t get it either. Was she talking about Oriental salad dressing? If it’s okay to call a rug “Oriental,” as she says, then why wouldn’t it be okay for salad dressing? Is she just stupid?
Mentally ill people, if they are a danger to themselves or to others, should be locked up against their will for the rest of their lives.
Trump University.
Now apologize for being an idiot.
Oh, were my rules lying and making up an anecdote to prove... what point? That some white girls hang out with other white girls and have nobody around to knock some sense into them?
A troll? In bad faith? I believe everything that I write. A troll posts things that he/she doesn’t actually believe in order to instigate a humorous reaction.
You have no idea how mental illness works.
Sure. Like anyone should believe you.
Don’t call me “boo.” I am terrified of ghosts so “boo” is triggering for me.
Are you not only agreeing but praising a comment on Jez? Now I’ve seen everything.
Wait, so you know this girl but you just call her Shaniqua because she’s black? You sound rude AF.