Locomotive Jones

We’re descending into chaos anyway.

Stripped naked, Nazis and Black Bloc protesters would look almost identical. Usually scrawny white kids in their twenties who have so completely “othered” their enemies that any tactic against them seems justifiable.

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Since Jman40513 is spamming every article with this comment:

That Native Americans can be considered trespassing in any part of this nation is mind-blowing. Who are the trespassers, here?

Don’t normalize Nazis. Punch ‘em in the face.

At this point I just don’t give a fuck any more. Run his ass out of town.

Do you ever shut the fuck up? We’re all adults posting here. People don’t need you to school them on how to use the comment section of a website. Reading something that you disagree with won’t kill you.

This is the Left’s and specifically the Far Left’s response to a speech they don’t like.

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The violent protesters also pepper-sprayed a woman just for wearing a Make America Great Again hat. (And then ran away, of course, like the cockroaches they are.)

Seriously. Fuck Milo and the dickless Alt-Reich subhumans!!