Locomotive Jones

And those two people were right, but hey, why let that stop you?

Right, because no one’s ever pointed out that Chris Brown and Bill Cosby are far more vilified than Sean Penn or Mel Gibson. You’ve cracked it wide open!

This statement is ridiculously general and inaccurate -

Yeah, because this place couldn’t qualify for the title “The Echo Chamber” just as well. Only difference is, the Echo Chamber here is focused around how evil white people are.

Well, if you go to a site like J of fucking course feminism is going to take precedence over race BECAUSE IT’S A SITE DESIGNED FOR FEMINISTS.

Egyptians, Romans, and lots of people have been slaves. Even white Jews! Who knew!

FWIW, I’m a Jez reader, too, and I don’t deny that its community has some issues (especially around race), but I never saw anyone say anything like this.... (If there’s some down-thread rando(s) that did, that’s hardly an indictment of all of Jez.)

Feelings are running high today, the takes will be scorching and rightly so. Everyone is bringing their own baggage and experiences to their analysis of this fucked up situation. With that said, I read Jezebel quite a bit and never saw anything like what you’re describing and if someone did post something like that