Locomotive Jones

Your reply ignores all realities of governance. Kim Jung Un is not crazy, his rational goal is to stay in power. Therefore, a preemptive nuclear strike from North Korea to the US serves no purpose (neither does a preemptive strike from North Korea to anywhere else), unless his regime is already falling. If the

Jezebel’s increasing worry that North Korea is going to nuke California absolutely ignores the laws of physics. North Korea has had the ability to nuke South Korea and Japan for close to a decade, but every North Korea missile launch nowadays is suddenly worthy of an article.

Meh. I don’t get the hate for this guy.

“I never said we were delicate flowers, my point was that we should not have to deal with basic ass non-arguments from people like you.”

“I’d like to see him try that crap with any of The Root staff.”

“Do we live in some vacuum where black people, because of the color of their skin, should be immune to criticism?”

It’s hilarious because the posters here normally HATE the people who say “both sides are the same,” but I guess they’re giving West a pass because he’s black.

“He dons the suit of white liberalism and political absolutes to chide a Black man, which is problematic”

This article only exists because The Root has a daily quota to meet for its bitching-about-white-people output.

How do you know they suck if you’ve never seen a single one?

How do u know if they suck if u haven’t seen them? #toinks #confused

In the other timeline, Beth wrote an article about how typical it is for Depp to want to portray women as the villains.

Are you going to boycott the movie now? Are we picketing the studio demanding the movie gets pulled?

You all sympathize with her because she is depressed and trans

ya gotta stop trying to make Chelsea Manning some sort of martyr or hero

Did it help stop the violence? No, it just inflamed it and more people died.

I’m quite comfortable with calling the release of classified information to scum like Assange espionage. She didn’t steal girl scout cookies.

I don’t contest the fact that she meant well. But like they say, the road to hell is paved with good intentions.

She violated her oath and put peoples lives in danger, possibly with some losing their lives. She should have never gotten out. You all sympathize with her because she is depressed and trans, but she fucking signed up for this.

“Traitor” is gender neutral.