Locomotive Jones

Seriously when did putting your hand over your heart during the national anthem become a thing?

As a Canadian I have to say, yet again, that Americans get angry over the stupidest shit.

In the first few years after 9/11, more than one person was kicked out of a sporting event for not standing and holding their hand over their heart for “God Bless America.”

I’d even go far as to say it’s a little bit totalitarian to expect it.

Why in god’s name are you here? I can understand wanting to observe opinions you disagree with, but you actually write a lot of comments. Is this fun for you? I’m not even trying to be snarky. I just dgi. Why fill your time with such bitter pursuits?

Well, at least you’re aware you’re a raging sociopath. I would say there’s hope for you yet, but I doubt it.

No one thinks you specifically go on dates.

Do you seriously think men like me— men with opinions that you find repugnant— don’t go on dates? Do you think I just advertise how I really feel before getting laid? It’s not until at least a year into a relationship before I start to reveal my true opinions. There’s a good chance that you’ve had a dick like mine in

Ok...because Jezebel is run by Black people...?

Of the 20 articles that you listed, 15 were about black people. A full 75%. Since Gawker Media has so few black employees (it’s 79% white, and now that you’re leaving, that number goes up), I’m curious: were you assigned black-centric articles (in the same way Rich seems to always get the gay articles), or are you

Came here to write that exact same comment about Knocked Up, since I haven’t seen all the Apatow movies because I don’t care to. Heigl is an ass, but she’s not wrong in this case.

Her opinion usually is right. Knocked Up was everything she said it was. And on Gray’s her character’s storyline was sh!t and nothing about it deserved an Emmy. And Isaiah Washington shouldn’t have used a slur about T.R. Knight.

Apparently Heigl pissed off Shonda.

The only way that movie works is if you don’t identify with Heigl at all, otherwise it’s watching a woman sacrifice her life because she had a one night stand.