Locomotive Jones

For reference: this is the original photo.

Like, we know the picture is shopped, right? Just need to be on the same page, here. I mean, what is pretty clear is that he’s an alcoholic, that much I feel confident armchair diagnosing with my non-existent medical degree.

Well, on this we can agree. Détente, Locomotive.

it was about intuition or thinking positively. a friend made me watch the film. i don’t think there was that bit about fat. lol.. related to vision boards, and that sorta thing.

Not exactly. The Secret teaches that your thoughts bring about circumstances. So if you think that you are a broke loser, you will stay a broke loser. Now, I don’t believe that you can think your way rich or thin, but I do think that having a positive helps you see the positive in your life, but it won’t magically

Power exists in many places. You have the power to hate and discriminate. When you use that power to direct hatred or discriminate against someone because of their race you are racist. Anyone can be racist.

For what it’s worth, a Tineye search reveals another version of that picture that looks slightly more presentable, which suggests that maybe there’s been some small ’shopping going on —

Yes it was ridiculous, one of my former friends had it and there was a video too.

This meme makes me extremely uncomfortable. Something about mocking a 13 year old doesn’t sit well with me.

Well, I mean, that’s not a burn.

Uh, no, it was not a “black man” but a man wearing black. BIG difference. Don’t be like them and don’t make up facts.

I DO live here and I have no idea what she’s talking about either.

I’m curious what thinly veiled racism she’s talking about being in that newspaper. I don’t live there and really don’t have time to read through it, if it’s even accessible without a subscription, anyway. Anyone have any more details?

It was a desperation move. She is below 10% and 4th or worse in the polls.

As a white male, can I ask a question about that last line? I understand the want and need for more staff writers who are African-American in the news industry. However, is it better to hire someone based on their ethinic background just because “you have to” or feel “it’s the right thing to do” OR is it better to

I’m Arab and middle/lower-middle class. You’re probably racist or classist or both.

I lived in St. Louis a lot longer than you and had a great experience.

I can’t believe you believe the letter. St. Louis has been a black city for decades: it ain’t white people fucking it up.

Isn’t the guy with the BLM sign white?

There were several people blocking her way, not just that one guy, but even if it was just the one guy, what is she gonna do, fight him? She wasn’t scared away, she was physically blocked, and wasn’t about to come to blows over it. (Of course, god bless and keep #BLM dude, and I hope people keep protesting like this,