Locomotive Jones

Are you drunk? What the fuck are you even talking about?

How about identity theft? Many undocumented use stolen social security numbers.

Sure, if all they do is sit in an empty room, not working, or driving and living off the charity of others then, sure, they can be here as an undocumented immigrant and technically not break any laws. However, as soon as they take a job, or drive a car, or do any number of things they begin to break any number of

As often as this sentiment is expressed, it doesn’t make any real sense. Say what you will about Europeans coming to American and colonizing it, but it wasn’t illegal, since they weren’t breaking any actual law. The comparison is apples to oranges. It’s like saying the British government can’t control who immigrates

Welcome to Jezebel. This place is insane.

“They are human beings, with families and feelings.”

Nope. You can’t go back several hundred years and compare it to now. If you want to do that then lets talk about the Romans invading and settling in Britain, the Vikings raping, pillaging and settling, the fucking Phonecians got everywhere back in the day. Where does it end? The laws of the US were not valid back then

I didnt say breaking in. I said walking in. If the door is open and someone walks in then its not breaking and entering, its trespassing.

Not at all. The laws of your country, any country, protect you from people wandering in to your house and setting up camp. If someone did this, they would be doing so illegally and you would call the police.
You cannot demand the removal of a person from your home because they are there illegally and then turn around

There are two issues here: breaking the law one time by crossing the border, and breaking the law while you’re living in the US without papers.

Lol — no, the world does not belong to all humans. Every country has immigration laws. What a silly, wildly uninformed statement.

They are people who are in the country illegally. If you believe they have a right to stay, when you get some random person walking into your house and deciding to live there, I seriously hope you don’t call the police.

Over 80% of the undocumented are Hispanic, so it makes sense to start there.

Same level and statistically less intense than Obama. These numbers and styles of raids have been quo for two administrations before Trump.

This happens all the time, though. ICE raids of this size have happened for years.

What you’re saying is true as an ideal.

I understand our alarm to the Trump Administration. I also see the reference to Obama’s deportation legacy in the post. But according to this article Obama deported two million immigrants, many of them convicted criminals. When you break that down that amounts to 680+ people a day for eight years. So, how is the

So brave

You think deporting illegal criminals is awful and heartbreaking?? I feel like Im taking crazy pills

Yeah, I was just thinking that. How do you even know they’re fat until you look at them, and by then it’s too late!