Someone said that same thing about “why have comments” and got banned!
Someone said that same thing about “why have comments” and got banned!
The normalization of what kind of sex, tho? The overwhelming amount of freely available porn is racist, violent, and man-centric (if not out-rightly misogynistic).
leading to healthier, more fulfilling relationships.
This is hardly atypical for Kara to boot.
Kara is the biggest crybaby. If you aren’t in perfect lock step with her ideas, you’re immediately deemed garbage. Don’t write for a site that thrives on it’s commentary community if you are that easily hurt.
Counterpoint: as a filmmaker who is not part of the straight white guy club, I enjoyed la la land a lot. and I’m about as vocal and protestant of whitewashed, male-washed Hollywood as one gets. I thought it was enjoyable and, from a technique standpoint, pretty impressive.
Someone said that same thing about “why have comments” and got banned! Ha! Better watch out! Don’t say shit about Beyonce either or you’ll burn in the fires of Jezebel hell!
Ironically she and a few others here are the ones trashing Trump of all reasons for his barring people from doing or saying things negative about him!!
But what the fuck is even the big deal about that comment? She asked a question. There’s absolutely no hostility in there at all. Just a curious person looking to explore something of interest to them.
They’re the worst kind of people = “Uncle Tom/Race Traitor”
...because Hart and Perry are two huge black box office stars mentioned in this very article?
Is this your answer when you always lose arguments? Maybe you should go see yet another idotic Kevin Hart “comedy” or maybe “Madea Gets Her License”?
Read my original comment, Hollywood cares about it’s bottom line...making money. Few if any poorly reviewed movies get made into sequels unless they make HUGE box office, think “Suicide Squad” recently.
Right. This is needless cruelty. I’ve been commenting here off an on for a lot of years (yes, I always use a burner, I don’t care about being a ‘regular’) and this was shocking. Writers have butted heads with readers, editors have jumped in these comments to call us foolish, dimwitted and other shite but to publicly…
The recent TV remake of Rocky Horror was another example. Laverne Cox was just not it for the role
So one of your writers can screencap and openly mock a commenter that didn’t even attack her personally but you guys are deleting every single comment that disagrees with you? OK.
“I’m over it. So over it.”
??? How many other white female political figures have been made into movies? Jackie O was one of the most famous women in history, the fact her husband was assassinated RIGHT NEXT TO HER is enough of a story.
Who’s story should they make a movie about?
True, maybe we should have gone with an Asian Jackie O.