Locomotive Jones

Not to mention the fucking sexist way he’s discrediting the work of a woman journalist. She didn’t do her homework, she’s just letting her stupid lady-brain emotions run the show!

See, that’s interesting. Because what I’m seeing here is a guy who has a gut reaction to a story he doesn’t like and doesn’t want to believe, and writing based on that gut reaction with nothing to back it up.

I used to work for him! This is...typical.

That’s some fine detective work there, Sherlock.

“white men who mistake their own chin stroking blatherings for insight” is the most apt descriptor of this particular brand of libertarian politics I’ve ever read. Take all my internet points!!

You don’t seem to understand that your manly suspicions don’t automatically count as news

Ahh, good. It’s always important to have people around “just raising questions”.

Hi Robby! Thanks for stopping by! One small correction: I don’t think you’ve ever “reported” a goddamn thing in your life.

Oh calm the fuck down. You’re only excited about this movie because of the backlash.

I love her so much

Anders Behring Breivik killed 77 people in Norway and he’s getting out of prison after 21 years. The Scandinavian prison system sucks.

Is a jail sentence mandatory? If it was proven that she had Post Partum psychosis then why not get her psychological help? Jail is not going to help her at all.

She murdered two children

When my psych nurse position was eliminated I went into...wait for it...nursing Aids patients. Reagan certainly ensured my employment in that area of nursing for years to come.

Yep, it was Reagan. I was a kid at the time, but I remember that overnight there were suddenly all these clearly compromised homeless old ladies pushing shopping carts everywhere. It was and is tragic.

Concern for dead people is useless to them, isn’t it? Concern for potential future victims makes more sense as a concept.

Yeah, I get it—it is just so unfair. We need better mental health services in this country. I blame Reagan.

So the judge agreed with the diagnosis, but she was still punished/sentenced to prison? :\

Hence she should be punished executed. Not released in the general public.

I just don’t know the answer to these things.