So, she was suffering from a mental illness and unable to control her actions. Why is she going to prison for 8 years exactly?
So, she was suffering from a mental illness and unable to control her actions. Why is she going to prison for 8 years exactly?
are you discounting this woman’s mental health troubles?
In what way did I prove your point? “Racism” entered the Oxford English Dictionary in 1902, and the definition said nothing then (or now) about “institutional power.” Just because your community college professor liked the smell of his own farts doesn’t mean the rest of the world does.
You’re posting on a website that is 79% white and based in one of the most expensive cities in the world.
Alternative headlines:
But Jezebel, that girl group doesn’t look very diverse! No Latinas? No Asians? No white women (“Beckys! It’s cute to call them that!”), Native Americans, or little people? Fuck, none of them are even overweight!
Good! You need some joy in your life if a Blake Lively social media post is even something you have an opinion on, much less get offended by.
Hey Kara, isn’t Gawker Media 79% white? Worry about the lack of diversity in your own house, you self-righteous lackey.
Eat shit, asshole.
Stop using black women as your GIF props.
I can’t believe this stupid instagram post affected you THIS much. Are you in therapy?
Yes, please do see yourself out. I’m not explaining this again.
You have posted this like 25 times now. No snark, I’m genuinely curious: do you have Asperger’s?
I imagine they’ll stop posting it when people stop saying that it being a reference to the song doesn’t mean it isn’t a problem?
Did you even read? They actually mention the song.
Frankly the first draft read like a Multicultural Lit undergrad paper aka self righteous and tone deaf
Right??? Cause I mean, yeah, it’s problematic, but it’s also a direct quote from Sir Mix A Lot.
Is this the part where you pretend that POC don’t also borrow from other cultures?
Actually, they are not the same thing. Even if Merriam Webster or tells you so for expediency’s sake.It’s widely understood that racism is a systemic application of bigotry andprejudice. Power being the difference.
Thank you for demonstrating to the world your patent misunderstanding of how racism works. You are the problem.