Same exact point in the movie when my 29 year old self had the same exact visceral reaction!
Same exact point in the movie when my 29 year old self had the same exact visceral reaction!
I had the same experience with Pulp Fiction. I had no idea, walking into that theater, what I was about to experience - a pure joyride.
Give it 10 years.
I was living in Baltimore when Blair Witch came out and my proximity to the setting just made it creepier.
Abrams never met an ending he could stick.
When I heard, “There’s always a bigger fish!” I almost walked out of the theater, I was so disappointed. I still, to this day, remember thinking at that exact moment - this shit sucks! Such a complete and utter letdown. In retrospect, it was the day I realized that being a “grown up” wasn’t all that it was cracked…
He will always be Al Giardello to me.
I’ve been saying the same thing. Who is actually going to enforce the “law?” The Secret Service? The Joint Chiefs? The DCPD?? At this point, anyone left on the payroll is a Deplorable - and will BE deplorable.
Meanwhile, season 4 of “Nazis in the White House” ended with an abrupt cancellation! Loyal fans are petitioning for a last second renewal, but prospects are bleak. It’s possible that another network might pick it up.
This must be where they dispose of the bodies and bury the ashes, then relax afterwards.
That’s no joke. We still have to get him to leave when the lease runs out. Will the Secret Service be able to “escort him out” or will the “suckers and losers” allow him to stay put? Serious question.
Joe needs to just seat his cabinet without any input from Moscow McTurtle. Go ahead Mitch! Stop me! I dare you! I mean, clearly, the Executive Branch is no longer answerable to either of the other two branches. Right? Riiiiight???
I got a really strong “facehugger” vibe - at first - from the spider eggs - until The Child proceeded to eat one. My first thought was, “Holy $hit! Is Mando going to fight off a nest of face huggers!!! Awesome!!! My second thought was, “Don’t eat that! It’s got acid for blood!” Alas, they were just spider eggs. Talk…
Only thing is - Orange Julius actually has to vacate the office. Who’s gonna make him?
Biden needs to take a queue from McTurtle and just seat his cabinet. Who’s going to stop him? Of course, I know that will never happen because Democrats still think rules and norms should be followed. Rethugs, like all cluster B personality types, think rules are for other people. Nice system we’ve got here.
I deleted Facebook, Insta, and WhatsApp three years ago and never looked back. I won’t support Zuckernazi on any platform. Do yourself a favor and just let it go.
Denial is a very wide, deep, and fast river! All these Cluster B’s are just splitting their way through life. It would be hilarious if it wasn’t so tragic.
$5000 pre-tax for childcare barely covered two months worth of care when my kids were in preschool - and that was 10 years ago! Between that and the huge bump in healthcare premiums when adding two dependents, my wife and I quickly realized we were in over our heads, particularly after we both got laid off from our…
Blessed Be the Fruit.
That scene reminded me of Gloria the hippopotamus in Madagascar, when all Moto Moto could think to say to her was, “Girl! You Huge!”