Dang! That’s like an advent calendar for Election Day!
My ex wife has Borderline Personality Disorder, which is very closely related to Narcissistic Personality Disorder. I clearly recognize the gaslighting, the projection, and the victimhood that Orange Julius displays out in the open every day. Honestly, he triggers me, yet I somehow cannot stop myself from endlessly…
I’m waiting for him to Fosbury Flop off the debate stage, or at some political rally.
My ex-wife was also like this. The incessant complaining, gaslighting and projection wears you down until it’s easier to just acquiesce. So exhausting.
I like presidents who don’t get sick.
. . . oh! I can’t believe I forgot this --> “FAKE NEWS!!!”
But it’s all a giant hoax! (That’s why why I took hydroxy - you know - just to hedge my bets.).
. . . An NFL team had multiple positive tests, and Notre Dame football has to postpone a game.
It is impossible to argue with a Cluster B personality type because they feel no shame or remorse and physically cannot admit to being wrong - ever. I should know, I just divorced one.
If referring to the military as a bunch of “suckers” and “losers” didn’t do it, nothing will.
People on UNEMPLOYMENT pay more that that!
But We the People “owe” him a third term, too, because we’ve been so “unfair” to him.
“thereby sticking it to... someone”
Your children are better off having 100% of you 50% of the time. Leave that guy if he won’t help himself. In fact, if he won’t help himself, you will end up having them >50% of the time anyway. I should know - my wife is an alcoholic borderline with a nasty mean streak and she cannot keep her stuff together.
“Get busy living, or get busy dying!” is my motto.
“The only character who DOES have anything to say about the events unfolding around her ends up dying of AIDS, so that’ll show her.”
“America is so great that you can be happy, successful and wealthy with a 70IQ.”
They say that these are not the best of times, but they’re the only times I’ve ever known!