Locomotive Jones

Loco!!! How have you been? I haven’t seen you since Gawker. Holler at me.

Indeed. Us liberals shouldn’t be giving him such gifts. Protecting speech used to be a liberal value, and we should take it up again before this whole thing bites us in the ass. Because it will.

Welcome to America’s biggest, albeit least effective, echo chamber. SJW’s with cat-heavy breath who do nothing to stand up for their ideals. Melting snowflakes never tasted so good on my tongue.

Get over it snowflakes. Trump won. Come back with someone better in 4 years. If you are going to pissed at anyone, be pissed at the DNC and that god awful candidate Hillary Clinton.

My advise to all protesters is, do not block highways. It is illegal and potentially deadly to you and to others.

 I don’t think she’s entirely right (most of the people the Left alienated because they felt empathy for Trump weren’t going to vote for Hillary no matter what). But at the same time, I don’t think she’s entirely wrong either (people did get cocky and arrogant about Hillary winning, especially if they lived in a very

I agree that people need to call Trump out on his BS. That said, it does kind of bother me that so many celebs act like their opinions should mean more by virtue of their celebrity. For celebs, I think there’s a way to advocate for things you believe in, and a way not to because it comes off as smug and condescending.

Yeah, the author definitely twisted her words to make them into something she didn’t really say.

Our country would not have withstood another 4 years of Democrat economic policies.

I think you’re missing the point of what she is saying, and what others making similar arguments have said. People, including celebrities, should be pointing the finger at Trump, and holding him accountable for the shady things he has done and will do. That said, there is a certain smug, patronizing attitude among

You totally misinterpreted what Zoe Saldana said.