What’s your point?
What’s your point?
We need to take over the capitol, period. Sit ins in the offices and in the chambers. This cannot go on.
Locomotive Jones thinks that’s the first time anyone has actually listened to one of Locomotive’s complaints. Thanks!
Locomotive Jones would help, but he doesn’t want to risk accidentally “whitesplaining” or something. Locomotive has been told that it’s time for white people to shut up and let POC take the lead, so you won’t a hear a peep from Locomotive Jones!
Locomotive Jones would help, but he doesn’t want to risk accidentally “whitesplaining” or something. Locomotive has been told that it’s time for white people to shut up and let POC take the lead, so you won’t a hear a peep from Locomotive Jones!
Other than calling your officials and donating to the ACLU, what can we do? Anyone have any ideas?
The party we will have when this fucker is taken out will beat all.
Plus, this isn’t even new.
But, if it was former-President Obama she was doing this to, I’d bet you’d sing a different tune.
If it was during a class, this was probably inappropriate to do.
This is so out of hand, I can’t even take it! How many executive orders is this, at this point?
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Do your own intellectual work. It is not my job, nor anyone elses, to educate you.