Thanks for sharing the footage of that woman being pepper sprayed by a progressive coward. The more people who see how truly violent and ugly the Left is, the better.
Thanks for sharing the footage of that woman being pepper sprayed by a progressive coward. The more people who see how truly violent and ugly the Left is, the better.
You could start by not feeding into him so perfectly with violent protests. This sort of reaction to him coming to a campus isn’t the effect of him gaining national traction, it’s the cause of him gaining national traction.
There was a woman peppersprayed, I have no idea whose side she was on though, I tend to think the nazi shitheads from the comments, but either way, not helpful
That photo is an example of what happens when Beyoncé makes something on her own, without producers. At the end of the day, she’s just a tacky, basic bitch from Houston. You could take a more dignified photo at the Sears photo studio, but even the teenager behind the camera would probably suggest that maybe the bra…
That photo is an example of what happens when Beyoncé makes something on her own, without producers. At the end of the day, she’s just a tacky, basic bitch from Houston. You could take a more dignified photo at the Sears photo studio, but even the teenager behind the camera would probably suggest that maybe the bra…
That photo is an example of what happens when Beyoncé makes something on her own, without producers. At the end of the day, she’s just a tacky, basic bitch from Houston. You could take a more dignified photo at the Sears photo studio, but even the teenager behind the camera would probably suggest that maybe the bra…
Maybe your friends need a new friend, you fucking dork.
That photo is an example of what happens when Beyoncé makes something on her own, without producers. At the end of the day, she’s just a tacky, basic bitch from Houston. You could take a more dignified photo at the Sears photo studio, but even the teenager behind the camera would probably suggest that maybe the bra…
That photo is an example of what happens when Beyoncé makes something on her own, without producers. At the end of the day, she’s just a tacky, basic bitch from Houston. You could take a more dignified photo at the Sears photo studio, but even the teenager behind the camera would probably suggest that maybe the bra…
That photo is an example of what happens when Beyoncé makes something on her own, without producers. At the end of the day, she’s just a tacky, basic bitch from Houston. You could take a more dignified photo at the Sears photo studio, but even the teenager behind the camera would probably suggest that maybe the bra…
That photo is an example of what happens when Beyoncé makes something on her own, without producers. At the end of the day, she’s just a tacky, basic bitch from Houston. You could take a more dignified photo at the Sears photo studio, but even the teenager behind the camera would probably suggest that maybe the bra…