Locomotive Jones

Nancy Reagan didn’t force those guys to have unprotected sex, they did that all on their own.


Edgy take, bro!

RIP Greg, Ron, Michael, Tom, among so many others. xo

She was fucking evil and ignorant.

The people who are mad about Saldana are not White women. It’s Black folks, including Nina Simone’s own daughter.


Did I say you were white, Kara? Most of the traffic you generate here at Jezebel comes from white women, though, and you work at Gawker Media, which is 79% white. Worry more about the latter, you hypocrtical, self-righteous... idiot? Glass houses.

Well then his comment deserves more than three stars.

I wonder how many of the white women on Jezebel will get this reference.

Forgive me of this is insensitive, as I’m really just trying to understand. How is this different than Johnny Depp putting on make up to be HST or Whitey Bulger?

People will find anything to complain about. Anything.

She is also running against a crazy looking old white dude from Vermont...which on it’s surface is not appealing.

As a Latina also supporting Hillary: expect nothing but contempt from white commenters here. They know what’s better for us and they are baffled that we dare to think for themselves and have reasons to vote for Hillary. How can we? They know what is better and they don’t agree. We must be ignorant!

You tell that black woman how to vote! Be sure to tell her what her interests are, too!

Don’t worry, some of the white “progressives” here will gladly call you an Aunt Tom because you dared to support someone that they don’t. Then they’ll lecture their white friends to “listen to POC, and help amplify their voices,” without a shred of irony.