Every other tweet about Beck right now seems to be calling him a cuck.
Erykah Badu is a GODDESS.
This is literally the nicest red carpet review I have ever seen on Jez. There is usually a lot of “what was she thinking” or “not those shoes please” - there’s always some level of picking apart. I don’t think you said a single negative thing here, which is very interesting.
Erykah Badu: amazing. perfect. love it. bee bracelets are great.
Your wife is apparently a rapist.
And Bill Clinton raped Juanita Broaddrick, but you want him back in the White House as the “first husband” so he can fuck some more interns.
My husband might slap my ass at home, but he certainly would not do it in public or on film.
Does your beta husband never smack your fat ass, sweetie?
Except that Trump supporters use BILL Clinton’s infidelity as a reason to NOT vote for Hillary.
Exactly. The Democrats claimed Bill Clinton’s consensual affairs didn’t matter, and one of those was with an intern, so why are we supposed to give a shit about this?
It was cross posted on Jezebel and it was written by Ashley Feinberg, who is mainly known for her “work” on Jezebel.
It was cross posted on Jezebel, Ashley Feinberg is mainly known for Jezebel posts, and in the end, it’s all the shit stains left on the toilet bowl from Gawker Media anyway.
Tomayto, tomahto.
Okay. I’m gonna try to shed some light on Morocco, because while this incident is heinous, it’s rare, and I’m seeing some ignorant comments.
Oh no, I know exactly how it will be spun. It’s the same way that Donald Trump responded to the Pulse Nightclub shooting by saying that people from “those foreign countries” commit violence against LGBT+ people. Conveniently ignoring the violence that our own country has done.
Where is the spin? Seems pretty straight-forward.
Not a problem for them. They’ll be happy to spin it as “liberals love Muslims even when Muslims oppress gay people! Liberals so dumb LOL.”