Locomotive Jones

I’ve been on that awful tour. That cylindrical room, the one where they keep inmates stacked on top of each other in chicken wire five stories high while circled by some sadistic fucks who don’t seem much more grounded than the most objectively horrible prisoner, gave me fucked up dreams for days.

The fact that our government has the legal right to kill its citizens has always seemed incredibly fucked up to me, even if said citizens are guilty of terrible crimes.

I suspect that people see the pain as part of the punishment.

As my arm said, the drugs are vastly different. Pets get more effective medications because pharma companies are fine with humane animal euthanasia but not fine with engaging in the death penalty. They’re supposed to help animals/people, not hurt them or cause them undue suffering so they won’t be associated with it.

Those present shouldn’t have to feel bad looking at a person being tortured to death for > 45 minutes?

Maybe this is a stupid comment, but I don’t understand why they don’t just give the condemned a massive dose of morphine blow the fuckers’ heads off with a gun at close range. Over in a second.

I believe it’s a matter of finding a supplier of morphine that would agree that it be used for lethal injections (most medical suppliers won’t sell things to kill people that are usually used to help people for obvious reasons).

She is incredibly irksome. I live close to her summer home and am on the beach every morning. She created a monstrous, ugly rock wall and got the sketchy approval because she’s a celebrity.

Yet.... all those white female celebrities who essentially were dick riding feminism said nothing.

This bitch, who has been SO FUCKING LOUD ABOUT BEING AMERICA’S SWEETHEART all the time. This bitch, who makes her fourth of july a fucking summer oscar vanity fair photoshoot for the tabloids. This bitch, who staged a fucking comeback all about (white) feminism.

Locomotive Jones does not believe in most conspiracy theories.

Locomotive Jones is so fucking desperate he’s copycatting another troll.

I am truly laughing my ass off that you think reporting people for anything other than an actual credible threat is going to get you anything but your own FBI surveillance.

Locomotive Jones forgot to speak in the third person on that last post, and Locomotive Jones hopes no one noticed.

I am reporting you as well.

I just forwarded a screen cap of this to the FBI and the Secret Service. Just for the record, fucker.