Dude, you’re harrassing her because she called you out. She’s got a right to do “twinja”. You, however, are safe from the very same type of harassment because you’ve got a burner. How is that a “win” for you? Level the playing field at least. Before you puff out your chest.
How the fuck did he get out of the Grey’s? And if he’s so godamned outraged, WHY DOES HE COMMENT HERE!??
I had to deal with him on Gawker, so believe me, I know. Dude is literally down in the comments right now calling Megan a “cunt.” It’d be lovely if they could trace his ISP address and threaten him with a lawsuit for harrassment.
Why in god’s name would you star this piece of shit and give him a voice?!
how tf is that one approved and here i am toiling in the greys
Of course you didn’t hear black people talk about it.
This particular poster publicly posted her Twitter account in the dying days of Gawker. “Twinja,” remember? There’s no “doxing” involved when the person is proudly public with their Kinja persona.
Blow a kiss at my pics on your way to sleep, and don’t be sad if I don’t reply.
Yeah, the beef between Remy Ma and Nicki Minaj was really drowned out by the mainstream press. (New York Times isn’t mainstream, is it?) Thank goodness Jezebel was there, or we wouldn’t know all the different ways two black women called each other bitches and hoes.
Never forget:
That picture didn’t show up for me, maybe because I put my profile to private?
Locomotive Jones wins. You just set your tweets to protected, like the chinless coward you are.
I saw, thanks for pointing it out!
Dox? She’s one of the “Twinja” idiots who joined Twitter using their Kinja names after Gawker closed. She posts these photos of herself using her public screen name.
I see what you’re getting at, but you’re missing big picture. I’m not black, but I can assure you that black people do care when their lives are taken by other black people. The BLM movement is primarily focused on spreading awareness of systemic racism, which most white people don’t experience.
Why are you so average, Colette? All your tweets involve cat pics, Ron Burgundy, Bob’s Burgers, or the stupid ramen you’re about to shove into your face. If Locomotive Jones was going to make a fake account on Twitter for a stereotypical white feminist, he would use your pics and tweets. Nothing about you is…
Is it? Locomotive Jones must have missed Black Lives Matter’s outrage when the black man Steve Stephens killed an elderly black man (and then put a bullet in his own worthless skull)— oh, that’s right, Black Lives Matter didn’t give a FUCK, because BLM only gives a fuck about black lives when they’re taken by white liv…