Locomotive Jones

She looks great. You fucking hypocrites would be drooling if Michelle was wearing it.

I follow her on twitter and don’t understand half of what she says, but it’s always full of life and personality.

Agreed. Locomotive Jones wants to see this movie.

I love Jez, I’ve been coming here for years, but sometimes I feel like we pick a new maiden sacrifice every 6 months or so, as foretold in South Park.

Legit question; do you feel Matthew McConaughey and Jared Leto were just as thirsty for their Oscars since they both lost a ton of weight and “wanted that Oscar?” for Dallas Buyers Club? I’m asking because I rarely see the same accusation of thirstiness tossed out at male actors who do put their bodies through the

She’s haughty and pretentious. She comes across as insincere and desperate to be liked.

So you didn’t watch Batman

I’ll never understand the hate for Hathaway. She’s so wonderful in every film I’ve seen of her.