why are we defending the entitled little shit who threw a tantrum because someone kept him from scoring a touchdown?
why are we defending the entitled little shit who threw a tantrum because someone kept him from scoring a touchdown?
I have really conflicted feelings about this because, on the one hand, fuck Nate Parker but on the other Nat Turner’s story is so important. There is obviously a part of me that wants this movie to fail because we shouldn’t support rapists but there’s also a part of me that wants this movie to succeed because maybe…
LMAO! You’re calling someone “whiny”?
This is what modern feminism looks like:
This is what modern feminism looks like:
Most men with any real game don’t pay after the second date anyway. If you want the dick, you buy the meal, sweetheart.
“I’m being sexually harassed!”
I’m curious. Do you think this is an example of “safe spaces” going too far? Because this is the kind of shit we’re talking about:
But you see, this is the entire campus for minorities. We are too afraid to say anything everywhere.
A black student’s entire college experiences is justifying their presence to a bunch of “well meaning” white kids like yourself. It’s not our job to teach you. I’m glad you were able to grow, but it shouldn’t be at our expense. We need spaces where you’re not to talk about how demoralizing it is to have to explain to…
By the end of our little discussion she literally blurted out the fact that she was “over white people.”
Reminds me of a kid in my AP English class who didn’t want to read “House of the Spirits” because... penis something? I don’t even remember. He got his dad and pastor involved and they tried to get the book banned. (Luckily they failed.)
Because this sort of cynicism doesn’t deserve a platform.
I’m also sick of the trap argument that we’re too sensitive or easily offended because then if you disagree with said argument you’re “proving” their point.
Sobbing and screaming hysterically over chalk drawings is “trying?”
we’re sure trying.