Locomotive Jones

Damn. That definitely adds some context to it. Thank you for sharing that.

Locomotive Jones forgives Emily_8361.

Normally I would agree with you but thi seems to go beyond normal amounts of terrible.

Locomotive’s words are hurtful and should never be used against Locomotive, who is sensitive and thin-skinned despite his harsh rhetoric.


PS You are the one that comes across like a sneering hag BTW.

More autistic screeching from GarThwe.

Okay, but-honestly? I know tons of “bisexual” girls who talk big game about being into other girls, but somehow they all wind up dating men.

Fuck off Trumpie.

Can we stop rewarding this bullshit like they’re doing something great or giving us some great gift? They put a line or two in their movie that will generate a bunch of fawning press without being open and fully expressed enough to alienate too many homophobic parents. We deserve better.

Ivanka is getting an office in the White House.

She sits there doing a more subtle version of daddy’s act, always with the hands and the well-rehearsed facial expressions, she’s every bit as fake and vapid as he is.

Sadly they are not. They’re piling on. Conservative women hate women too.

He’s a piece of shit for sure, but so is this guy:

Women are inherently no better than men