Locomotive Jones

Man, someone really enjoyed their Soc 203 course this past semester.

Maybe the EU can do something?

Especially if you live in the country. I don't know a house out here without a gun for hunting. Everyone I know has a gun safe and keeps the guns locked down. That's good enough for me.

Do you think that being asked that question by someone you don’t really know (I assume you’re asking pretty early-on in the friendship) would be extremely weird?

Odds are, you won't know. Sorry.

The problem with this statistic (there are actually several on Kellerman’s methodology, but I won’t go into those here) is that the figure of gun deaths includes suicides, a more common cause of gun death in the home than homicides and accidents combined. One can reasonably conclude that, while a gun is one of the

This isn’t really a valid criticism. Going to Africa means visiting a country on the continent. It would work better if she were visiting multiple countries on the continent, but she needn’t visit them all. You don’t have to go to Luxembourg to say you’ve been to Europe.

Yes. I can’t leave my bunker now. Send halp.

“feminist bloggers”? um no. All (Gawker/BuzzFeed/etc.) bloggers. I see these little, hip colloquialisms surge and fall throughout the medium. I agree that they all get tiring very, very fast.

Omg your comment gives me life :,)

While I don’t necessarily agree with everything you’re saying, I’m gonna submit the addition of “YA’LL” when the writer is clearly not from a place where “ya’ll” is the norm.

You forgot “your boyfriend.” That’s the one that gets me every time because it’s never my boyfriend or even fantasy boyfriend. Tom Hiddleston? Benedict Cumberbatch? Give me a break...

i mean this is all nonsense but the peak piece of nonsense is ‘you guys’

you woke, jonesie Hi!

Her next funny set will be her first.

Cho talks about her challenges as a comedian in Korean culture

So just like Margaret Cho herself, this episode isn’t funny?

So they’ve changed formats and now it’s just ‘listening to an unfunny woman bitch in a car for 20 minutes while Jerry Seinfeld pretends to care about a z-list celebrity’?


haven’t seen this, but last time i saw cho, she looked super unstable and was not funny at all

Normally a huge fan of CICGC, but genuinely hated this episode. I couldn’t even finish it. She’s so uncomfortable in her own skin, it makes me uncomfortable. Cringed multiple times, didn’t laugh once.