Locomotive Jones

I’ve not cut a single person from my life due Cheetosaurus Rex. I decided he’s not worth ending a friendship or causing family strife.

So your argument amounts to the bogus “perfect being the enemy of the good” I hear so many “woke” white folks trot out?

Who... cares? Is that really worthy of hate? Christ, some of my fellow feminists are approaching levels of right wing lack of humor and ease.

What the hell kind of question is this? No, it’s not.

White Feminism TM (not you, by the way, the asshole person, very appropriate username I should add)

Is it OK if she offends pretty much all races? In her “mostly sex stuff” stand up, she made fun of pretty much every race. White people were NOT spared. Not even “entitled white girls like me....who come in, talking on the phone, chewing gum. ‘Don’t get any wax on my new Uggs.’ ”

white folk

Global Beet is the worst poster on Jezebel. An absolutely insufferable, virtue-signaling, self-righteous waste of air. Boring as fuck.

The fact your original comment specifically mentions “a couple of politically incorrect things” lets me know this disingenuous question is just that.

Exactly. I heard lots of Muslim jokes from black comedians after 9/11, many of them along the line of “Now white people and black people have finally come together... to beat up any Muslim who gets on a plane.” I’m sure those jokes weren’t very funny to Muslims, but according to Global Beet, only white people are

White folks have a talent for trivializing racism, especially if it’s the brand that doesn’t affect them. Like they have a serisiously uncanny talent for it.

She is not perfect - no one is - but the hatred people have for her is grossly disproportionate to her offences.

She’s hilarious and she shares our values but she sucks because she said a couple of politically incorrect things?

Why is Hillary’s campaign manager interested in infiltrating the Catholic church to create a “Catholic spring”?