Locomotive Jones

If you don’t believe in bodily autonomy, you’re not a feminist.

That’s why you have to stick with Marxist thought

Seriously, shame on the Times for printing this disingenuous shitbabble unchallenged and un-fact-checked.

When you try to take away other women’s rights, you aren’t a feminist.

And yet the idea that women should have a choice over letting their bodies be used to incubate a fetus is anathema to them.

It’s so frustrating when pro-choice is assumed to mean pro-abortion.

I’m very much pro-choice, but I always feel weird calling abortion a “right”.

Locomotive Jones would take the money too. Locomotive’s political loyalty can be purchased, and he would gladly protest against Trump (despite voting for him) if the price was right.

Locomotive Jones is personally amazed (not really) that the author of this article didn’t use the word “racist” once to describe what Steve Harvey said. Isn’t “racist” the most accurate description, or are black millionaires incapable of making racist statements?

Locomotive Jones is personally amazed (not really) that the author of this article didn’t use the word “racist” once to describe what Steve Harvey said. Isn’t “racist” the most accurate description, or are black millionaires incapable of making racist statements?

Locomotive Jones is personally amazed (not really) that the author of this article didn’t use the word “racist” once to describe what Steve Harvey said. Isn’t “racist” the most accurate description, or are black millionaires incapable of making racist statements?  

Zuckerberg wouldn’t stand a chance. We elect sociopaths for President, not autistics.

I am an Asian American man, and it really bums me out that we are considered undatable. My mother is Chinese and my father is white and even she is absolutely shameless about her nonattraction for Asian men.

but, honestly. the dude who is the host of noisey is possibly the lamest of all time. like if you ordered a “short straight white dude with one pump of apathy” from a coffee shop in brooklyn, this dude would come out.