Locomotive Jones

Really hoping for Bachelor Junior where all the girls are under age and also Bachelor XXL where everyone’s plus size and then maybe also Bachelor Gayssss and it’s all bears.

Clearly you never watched the last season...

“Grace” never fucked “Will” and with good reason. You’d think the feminists and humanists would care about those reasons. But I guess not. All of that kind of thing flies out the window (oh my god! an insider reference! did you get it?!) when it comes to their *entertainment*.


They really don’t claim credit willy-nilly. People love saying that, but if you pay attention to their actual, official channels for statements like this, you’ll see it’s not true.

STOP bringing Locomotive Jones out of the grays, damn it! 😡😡😡

And the winner for douchiest photo of 2017 is:

Here come people claiming Daesh takes credit for every damn thing under the sun, even though they don’t. It’s a popular thing to say, but it’s simply not true.

OMG! First Hate Crime of 2017! That didn’t take long. Let’s hope this person sues for about 5 million dollars. That should make them feeeel better. Ka-Ching!

Wow, try to make a more bigoted comment. January 1 is the Solemnity of Mary

You’re the one who asked the stupid question. This could’ve been a violation of team rules.

Yeah, he was probably off somewhere spending time with his family.

Wearing Tims on a boat???? SMH

The photo on the boat looks like A) Wu Tang album art or B) a DVD sleeve promo shot for a gay porn. “Twinks in da Hood” anyone?

Nothing to see here, Islam is the religion of peace, Move along...

Glad to see Jezebel finally decided to mention this. Some of the most nuanced and thoughtful discussion around here in a long while.

Yep, a 6th grader could have wrote a better article in between classes with it due next period

Correct. And according to the article you posted, the FBI checked all of those leads and found no evidence that any of these rumors were true.  

When you guys were called out for not reporting this in a timely manner, due to your preoccupation with defending the Mariah Carey, you claimed you needed more time to properly give this matter attention (which is inconsistent with your previous coverage of other mass shootings).

Don’t forget a gun safe. You don’t want to be storing food for the next person to take it.