Locomotive Jones

This is why I so openly mock so called “christians” and their devotion to this seemingly hateful invisible man in the sky and his apparently equally wrathful illegitimate son.

You’re the dumbass always coming here to comment. Go back to brietbart, you can enjoy the company of people that think just like u.

You’re not here to have a civil conversation, your here to rile people up and be an asshole.

Ffs, he/she is not even a clever troll.

I do have to stop. I’ve fallen for that asshole’s trolling before.

Awful show. Will never fucked Grace.

Because white people.

Pays to be a victim. Well.... Not all victims are created equal. Didn’t see this story on Jezebel

But a natural disaster is not really an apocalypse, is it? Wouldn’t good neighbours and some cash savings be more useful than e. g. a gun in the event of an earthquake?

Guys, there is no apocalypse. Things just get steadily, slowly shittier.

I’ve told him if the disaster is looking like a full world collapse as opposed to a shorter term disaster, just to shoot me and the dog (a clumsy and pampered rescue who would also be ill suited to the end of the world).

I actually have nightmares similar to the Twilight Zone episode “Time Enough At Last”

I’ve....thought about it. but I have young kids in the house and that’s more responsibility than I want to take on for what is hopefully a remote possibility (earthquake or other disaster + utter governmental incompetence like Katrina). My house is a location that’s relatively easily secured, and I have a baseball bat

I really fear how cheeto-elect will respond to these all too common attacks when he becomes cheeto-in-chief.

For the first time in history, Locomotive Jones agrees with you.

Considering how much glee most progressives have when they bash Christians, it really astounds Locomotive Jones how they simply refuse to criticize the religion that is actively terrorizing the world. You bring up how the overwhelming majority of worldwide terrorism is committed by Sunni Muslims and they’ll bring up

Why so skeptical?

Why does the fact he may have been wearing a Santa Claus outfit imply it’s not terrorism? I’m confused.