Locomotive Jones

Was this supposed to be on an alternate account or was the 3rd person intentional?

People who refer to themselves in the third person can’t be taken seriously. And they can’t win an election without foreign influence.

I bring that up to every guy who exclusively list men and all male bands as their favorites and I have literally never gotten anything but a defensive response.

I don’t know about y’all, but my FB feed was mostly full of guys listing 10 bands composed entirely of men.

That’s not what Locomotive Jones said, though.

Jezebel tells us for years that colonialism is the source of everything bad that happens in Africa, yet they’re mad when Trump wants us to mind our own business regarding African affairs?

The headlines just keep getting worse as we get closer to his inauguration. It’s utterly heartless to cut aid to Africa.

Looks like this post got me unfollowed by Jezebel.

Maybe I’m being too judgmental or putting too much thought about how I feel about the racial politics of a podcast I’ll never listen to.

Oh god, how are you going to have a show called “Throwing Shade” with two of the whitest white people ever produced by white people?