Locomotive Jones

I’m still gonna punch a Nazi, tho.

As if this pathetic motherfucker had the money to hire a lawyer.

Shut the fuck up.

Do you get big laughs at preschool?

That’s a protest? It’s just random tourists gawking at something.

If that ever happens, Locomotive Jones will know that The Root was behind it, and he will file a lawsuit against Univision, their parent company.

The “black people aren’t serial killers” shit was debunked years ago by anyone with an understanding of percentages. Black people commit serial murders disproportionately to their numbers in the population.

“Four out of five black women are seriously overweight.”
-New York Times 

BYOBC (Bring Your Own Bottle and Cup) Spades party.

Oh, you mean The Other Mall.

I miss blackness in all its glory, shades and curves.

That article plays fast and loose with the numbers, genius.

Again I have to complement you for the depths of your clarity, and your being courageous enough to live your life in accordance with that clarity.

You seriously think the OP would give a shit about your white loved ones? He/she hates you and hates them, too.

In my country, the idea of anything but monogamous marriage is looked upon as just another crazy thing white people invented, like tacos wrapped in doritos or skin cancer. Meanwhile everyone knows dad has another family on the other side of town and sis is getting it from her own husband and her best friend’s.

Monique, you’re in an “open” relationship because the man has no respect for you. He knows you’re too fat, too fucking disgusting to ever be in a full-fledged relationship with, but you also have low enough confidence that you’re willing to spread those tree trunks whenever he wants somewhere warm to cum. So keep

The traitorous boys in grey don’t deserve to be remembered.

Paul Mooney has been raping Richard Pryor’s corpse for decades. He’s not even remotely funny on his own.

Someday, please all the little gods, our whiteness won’t be a protective coloration

White supremacy is most definitely a thing white people discuss. We discuss it like it’s a mental exercise. But only in the abstract. We debate it among ourselves for argument’s sake while black people die daily. While Martin dies.