They’re southern racists, the kind that don’t want to live next door to black people and freak out when their little Becky brings a black boyfriend home.
They’re southern racists, the kind that don’t want to live next door to black people and freak out when their little Becky brings a black boyfriend home.
props to the mostly white jury who convicted this asshole. i didn’t think racists would convict one of their own, but I guess i was wrong
Are you sure he’s not mentally ill, or do you not care?
I still don’t want him to get the death penalty. I don’t think him being killed makes anything better.
When did you start trolling?
“He’s a filmmaker,” not “his a filmmaker.” Damn you, Auto Correct.
I don’t find it hard to believe that Depp’s short on liquid funds at all.
Whyyyyyy does this keep happening?
Yes but minorities might listen.
These incidents actually are happening and Trump supporters will cling to the made-up stories like they are gospel.
Who is shocked by this, other than progressives who wanted it to be true since it paints Trump supporters in a bad light?
lol, you should talk to the other 3 million minorities that decided clinton was too boring and too white to vote for
So you’re just going to ignore the 3 million voters, mainly minorities, that chose her over Bernie and Trump? How very White of you.
I guess there right about fake news. It really is dangerous. There are mountains of evidence that Russia rigged the elections but you won’t hear it because you read some fake news that said there is no evidence.
I didn’t lose and neither did Hillary.
She won the popular vote by more than the population of all but the biggest cities in this country, she won all three debates, she campaigned until she literally collapsed. She didn’t denigrate people, she ran a beautiful convention. But please, tell us about her imperfect campaign?
A... better campaign? A better campaign. I honestly can’t tell if you are being serious or not. Hillary ran one of the most successful presidential campaigns in modern history.
I think that all this Hillary-blaming is ridiculous. I get it though, I do. Sexism is strong here in America.