Locomotive Jones

I know. It’s embarrassing. But broken clocks are right twice a day and all that.

I find myself agreeing with Locomotive Jones here, reluctantly. Foreign Aid does not work very well/does not work at all. We’ve had decades of it, in various forms, and yet Africa is for the most part not getting any better. There are real valid arguments that it might even make things worse. Charity at home works

The time I consider worst in American history is the Civil War.

As a demonstration, I suppose, but in terms of actual change it’s the equivalent of putting an “I don’t like Trump” bumper sticker on your car. It expresses your opinion, but it’s not taking any kind of action.

Well, clearly you missed the battle plan:

So what exactly are you advocating? Invalidate the election?

Something must be done or there will be no more Democratic system to have faith in. What don’t you understand?

So far, I haven’t seen any proof either. And if Russia did influence the election, then what? What do we do about it that doesn’t undermine our entire democratic process even further?

This makes me extremely uncomfortable. A few months ago we were talking about how dangerous it was for Trump to be questioning the legitimacy of our democratic process, and how it undermined our entire system of peaceful power transition.